100% Recovery Rate Of Stolen ATVs and UTVs

Feature Packed GPS Tracker for ATV’s

ATV GPS Tracker

GPS tracking has come a long way over the years. Anti theft devices have been integrated into most of today’s modern gadgets, such as a smartphone. However, stand-alone ATV GPS Trackers offer more power and are the preferred options for ATV owners who want to keep their vehicles safe. Without an ATV GPS Tracker, should your vehicle be stolen, you would have a hard time trying to recover it. Lonestar Tracking’s ATV GPS tracker offers many benefits.

ATV GPS Tracker



When you purchase an ATV GPS Tracker from LoneStar Tracking, you will have the ability to set up real-time alerts and notifications directly to your cell phone. So if your ATV is ever stolen or removed from your property, you will instantly get a text message. Using triangulation from satellites, our GPS trackers can locate any object practically anywhere in the world. Your gps service allow you to view the exact location, direction, and speed from your computer or mobile phone to give you total peace of mind. You have the ability to pinpoint your stolen property from within feet of where it is.
All included at no charge.

Small Waterproof

GPS TRacker

Our atv real time gps tracking devices are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand
so they can be placed out of site. It has a tough watertight case that makes it
perfect for all terrain vehicles, trailers, boats, and dirt bikes. This means
it can withstand being attached under the vehicle as well with
its ability to withstand splashes, mud, and impacts. This small device has a lot of power and
no contract required!

Our ATV trackers also offer real-time tracking. Other companies are selling similar trackers that are NOT Real-Time and only report once per day. This can make it harder to track and recover if your ATV is on the move. What could be more frustrating than having a location for your stolen property and then finding it’s not there because it’s been moved? You won’t know where it is until the next update, but that may not be accurate either. With real-time tracking you can follow your vehicle should it be mobile, allowing you to know exactly where it is. The information provided can be used by authorities to find and arrest the thieves and recover your vehicle based on it’s current gps location. We know there are many ATV GPS trackers on the market today, but not all are created equally. With a Lonestar ATV GPS tracker, you are guaranteed a reliable, user-friendly, and efficient device.

We know there are many ATV GPS trackers on the market today, but not all are created equally. With a Lonestar ATV GPS tracker, you are guaranteed a reliable, user-friendly, and efficient device.

Thousands of individuals have trusted LoneStar Tracking to protect their ATVs and UTVs from theft with a 100% successful recovery rate. If you are looking for the best GPS tracker for your ATV, then you’ve come to the right place. Still unsure if our trackers are right for you? Then give us a call at any time and our ATV Tracking Experts can help you out. Toll-Free 1-877-777-8636

The OysterLTE is a 4G LTE waterproof battery powered tracking device.  This unit operates on 3 AA batteries and can last for up to 5 years.  The OysterLTE was designed to be small and easy to hide on your ATV and provide location updates every 5 minutes while moving.  You can even receive a text message every time your ATV moves from it’s resting spot. 

The TitanLTE is one of our most advanced wired and waterproof GPS tracking devices to date.  We even included a 120 day backup battery just in case it is ever disconnected from your ATV or if your ATV battery dies.  This unit reports the location of your ATV once every 5 minutes to our tracking system. 

Protect Your ATV From Theft Today!

Be proactive and install a waterproof 4G LTE GPS tracker on your ATV or UTV before it’s too late.  It’s easy and affordable protection for your assets.

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